
(Youngstown, OH) On Thursday, May 11th, AFSCME Local 1143’s steward, Ithica Stewart-Brown, was honored by the Youngstown City School District with the Anthony Deniro Distinguished Service Awa

[Cincinnati, OH] - The Southwest Ohio Legal Aid Society employees overwhelmingly voted yes for their union - The Southwest Ohio Legal Aid Brigade Union.

Columbus Museum of Art employees overwhelmingly vote for their union - Join AFSCME Ohio Council 8

CMAUW (Columbus Museum of Art Workers United) win union election

AFSCME Ohio Council 8 Local 3692 member Gary Radabaugh and his Environmental Health coworkers at the Jackson County Health Department monitor mosquito populations across the county which are more than just a nuisance.  

Sanitation Workers, Cincinnati

2-year-old Ohio boy Quincy Kroner “became undone” upon meeting his heroes, Eddie Washington and Mark Davis, two Cincinnati sanitation workers, and AFSCME Ohio Council 8 members. 

Read the full story here

AFSCME Local 3088 President Dan Mapes is as pleased as anyone that Mansfield has finally emerged from years of fiscal emergency and has started replacing the city’s inventory of aging equipment.

But his members and many in the community are at odds with the city’s decision to ditch its decades old “buy American” policy. Mapes spoke out when three new Nissan vans showed up in the municipal garage.

March 9th, 2015

Ohio’s AFSCME members were well represented over the weekend in the group of demonstrators speaking out against “right to work” is wrong in West Virginia.

“Thousands of people came to the West Virginia Capitol building in Charleston on Saturday to hear from the leaders of America’s most prominent labor unions at a rally to protest against the agenda of the new Republican majority in the Legislature.

October, 27, 2014 

During the past several weeks, the United States has taken measures to protect the health and safety of its citizens against the threat of the Ebola virus. As health care workers treat existing cases and prevent the spread of the virus, it is vital that our medical centers are prepared with the proper protocols and training to safely and effectively battle this sickness.